DICOM Model of the Real World
UML Class Diagram Example
An example of class diagram representing domain model ("model of the real world") for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM). This diagram is based on E-R model Fig.7-3 of DICOM standard Part 3 - PS 3.3-2009.
Diagram represents DICOM extended domain, abstract description of the real world objects used in the Modality-IS Interface. Modality is a piece of imaging equipment, e.g. computed tomography (CT) or ultrasound (US).
A Patient is a human or an animal receiving, or registered to receive, healthcare services, or is the subject of research studies. A Clinical Document is a part of the medical record of a patient. It is a documentation of clinical observations and services provided to the patient.
A Service Episode is a collection of events, context in which the treatment or management of an arbitrary subset of a Patient’s medical conditions occurs. Service episode is entirely arbitrary; it may include a single outpatient visit or a hospitalization, or extend over significant period of time, e.g., the duration of a pregnancy, or an oncology treatment regimen. A service episode may involve one or more Healthcare Organizations (administrative entities that authorize Healthcare Providers to provide services within their legal administrative domain, e.g. hospitals, private physician’s offices, multispecialty clinics, nursing homes).

DICOM domain model for Modality-IS interface UML class diagram example.
Visit is a part of service episode, collection of events that fall under the accountability of a particular Healthcare Organization in a single facility. A visit may be associated with one or more physical locations (e.g. different rooms, departments, or buildings) within the same facility.
An Imaging Service Request is a set of one or more Requested Procedures selected from a list of Procedure Types. An Imaging Service Request is submitted by one authorized imaging service requester to one authorized imaging service provider in the context of one Service Episode. An Imaging Service Request may be associated with one or more Visits that occur within the same Service Episode.
A modality Scheduled Procedure Step is an arbitrarily defined scheduled unit of service, that is specified by the Procedure Plan for a Requested Procedure. It prescribes Protocol which may be identified by one or more Protocol Codes. A modality Scheduled Procedure Step involves equipment (e.g. imaging equipment, surgical equipment, etc), human resources, supplies, location, and time.
A Modality Performed Procedure Step is an arbitrarily defined unit of service that has actually been performed (not just scheduled). It contains references to zero or more Series of Images.