Application Development for Android
UML Diagram Examples
Here we provide some examples of UML diagrams of different types, all related to Android SDKs and application development.

Purpose: An example of implementation level UML class diagram to illustrate usage of Android Camera API (Android 3.1 Platform, API Level 12).
Summary: CameraDemo class extends Android's Activity class. An Activity is a single, focused thing that a user can do with Android. Activity usually interacts with user, and the Activity class takes care of creating a window in which we can place our user interface. CameraDemo activity will create a Preview object and will hold reference to. Preview holds back reference to the activity as its Context. The Preview object will create a Camera object and return it to the CameraDemo activity.

Purpose: An example of deployment diagram for Android application deployment.
Summary: Android SDK tools compile and package the code along with any required data and resource files into Android application archive file. The archive file represents one Android application to be deployed to the Android-enabled mobile devices.